All posts by Gene Gaudette

The Great Classical/Jazz Metadata Crisis Solved

After the Worst Air Travel experience Ever® (bottom line: never fly Alitalia), I’ve hit the ground running at MIDEM, and had a terrific breakfast with occasional partner in crime the music biz Todd Landor and musichi‘s CEO/inventor/metadata genius Philippe Watel. If you’re a serious classical music geek or computer audiophile who loves jazz, you know what a pain int the butt it is to find music on Amazon, iTunes, and most other services. Philippe may have hit on a solution – and a cool new player for your media center or netbook! More to follow the middle of next week; stay tuned…

Quasthoff Bows Out

What a shame: Von heute auf morgen (via Boulezian) reports that Thomas Quasthoff, one of my favorite singers, has abruptly announced his retirement from the concert stage, cancelling all forthcoming appearances. The baritone cited health reasons for the decision; thankfully, he will continue to teach. And Quasthoff threw in this zinger when he confirmed the story to “Moreover, in my view the classical music industry has become superficial. One gets the impression that there is no one left except David Garrett.” Ouch